Tuesday 9 August 2016

Movie Review - Ghostbusters (2016)

USA, 116 Mins
Dir: Paul Feig

One of the most talked about films in recent times would have to be the remake/re-imagining of the cult classic film of the same name from 1984, Ghostbusters. Long rumoured to have another sequel or remaking in the works, the rumours finally came up trumps late last year when it was announced they were going to re-do the classic film, this time round with an all-female lead cast in the roles of the Ghostbusters themselves.  This of course has led to much vigorous debate & controversy about all kinds of issues – most relating to casting females in the lead roles this time round, & also the inevitable comparisons it would draw with the original film.  Also, with the death of original star Harold Ramis in 2014 & Bill Murray’s reluctance over the years to reprise his role lead many to question the wisdom of re-booting the franchise. But the decision was made, & despite some very ordinary initial opinions based on the first teaser trailers coming out, once released opinions seemed to turn, & I was keen to get along & draw my own views, so here goes:

The plot itself is fairly similar to the original: Abby Yeats (played by Melissa McCarthy), Erin Gilbert (Kristen Wiig) & the eccentric Jillian Holtzmann (Kate McKinnon)  are all doctors who all have interests in paranormal phenome (i.e. ghosts). Yeats & Gilbert published a book about the source material years ago, & in exchange for Gilbert getting rid of the re-published book lest it hurt her bid for tenure at Columbia, Yeats agrees to team up to form a trio looking into a recent paranormal investigation. The find proof of an actual ghost, but when it gets published online, the trio are fired from their positions. To keep the investigation going, they decide to open their own business at an office block above a Chinese restaurant. Hiring Kevin Beckman (a dim witted Chris Hemsworth) as a receptionist. Meanwhile, MTA worker Patty Tolan (Leslie Jones) witnesses a ghost in a subway line, & contacts the department. The follow up Patty’s claims & document more footage of a ghost incident. Patty joins the team as they come up with the operation term “Ghostbusters” being much easier to say than the “Conductors Of The Metaphysical Examination”! Little do the ladies know that the recent increase in ghost activity comes from a creepy man known as Rowan North (Neil Casey), an occultist who is determined on bringing Armageddon to the world. When the Ghostbusters capture a real ghost at a live music venue, they are finally taken seriously. They are brought to see the Mayor, whose department privately are aware of what’s going on & support the group quietly, while publicity declaring them fraudsters to keep the peace.
As Rowan ups the ante & summons more and more ghosts in his quest, the Ghostbusters realise they are in a real battle to save the city. Up against ghosts the like of Slimer, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (in nods to the original film) & eventually Rowan turning himself into the form of a giant Ghostbusters logo, will the quartet find a way to eliminate Rowan & the ghosts in time to save New York, or will they perish in their attempts…..

Boy, it’s hard to think of a more polarising film in recent times. By the time I got round to see this film, I’d heard wildly varying reports on whether it was any good or not. Some loved it, some absolutely hated it. As per usual, I tried not to read too many reviews or take in too many opinions deeply before I had the chance to see it myself.  I made my views on whether it was wise to make another Ghostbusters film clear at the conclusion of my review of the originals film a couple of years ago. But it is what is, so I went in with an open mind, if not high expectations.

 In summary…. It was OK. Certainly not great, or even good, but not the total train wreck as described by some. Director Paul Feig keeps the film in the same comedic humour as the original, not taking itself too seriously. There are plenty of nods to the original also during the film for sharp eyed fans. Also, all the original cast (minus Ramis of course) bob up in cameo roles during the film, most notably Murray as Martin Heiss, a supernatural sceptic. These were a bit hit or miss for me, as was Hemsworth in the role as the Ghostbusters’ secretary – whatever humour they were shooting for in this role went straight over my head. The all-female lead cast all gel together pretty well however, & are pretty likeable in their roles. The special effects used throughout were really well done. The ghosts are more real & lifelike compared to the cartoonish style from the original. I also felt they applied the film to younger, more in touch younger audience well by incorporating things like YouTube & online social media into the storyline.

But what really hurts this film is the humour. While I got a few laughs here & there, the vast majority of the film just falls flat as a tack. A lot of the “jokes” thrown up here are the awful kind of toilet humour you think you’d find in the latest instalment of American Pie, not a re-make a beloved 80’s film. What on earth the writers & directors were thing here is beyond me. If they’d focused more on developing the characters of the lead cast & added a bit of depth to the storyline rather than honing in on the god awful poop/fart jokes, then this reimaging of Ghostbusters had the real potential to be a fairly decent little film.

So in summary, while the 2016 version of Ghostbusters certainly didn’t need or deserve all the negativity surrounding its release, its unfortunate that the terrible levels of humour overshadow a solid enough storyline & entertaining cast. All lead actors are good here, & had they addressed the balance of humour/storyline as I outlined above, it had real potential. As it stands, it’s just an OK outing that ultimately can’t hold a candle to the original. I’m giving Ghostbusters ** ½

Matt Croft

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Movie Review - Captain America: Civil War

USA, 147 Mins

Dir: Anthony & Joe Russo

I’ve mean meaning to get around to writing up the latest instalment in the Marvel universe for a while, but have wanted to mix it up a bit with a few other different styles of film, so the latest Captain America flick has had to wait its turn! But while it’s still relatively fresh in the mind, let’s take a look at the latest Hollywood superhero blockbuster!
So this film follows on from the last Avengers film – Age Of Ultron, & at this point, we are starting to reach the stage where it certainly is fairly useful to say the least if you’ve seen at least a few of the Marvel films leading up to this point so as you can follow the storyline, as this is technically the 13th film in the Marvel Universe! Again, the writers & directors do a fairly solid job of clueing even the causal viewer in, but it’s certainly useful if you’re up to speed in where things stand.
Though it’s titled as a Captain America film, pretty much all of the Avengers cast are on hand here, in particular Iron Man, as the story centres around these two characters. Of course, all the big name, A-Listers are also back reprising their roles – Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olson & Sebastian Stan just to name some! 
We pick things up around a year after Age Of Ultron – once again several of the Avengers are called into action to thwart an attack in Lagos with a biological weapon. While largely successful, several buildings are destroyed & civilian casualties are sustained. This adds fuel to the fire in the political world of the United Nations (UN) to do something about controlling the actions of the group, or at least have an authority to answer to rather than go out & carry out their own actions. A panel is established & an accord known as the Sovakia Accords is prepared, which will oversee the Avengers team. This causes much division in the group – one group, headed by Tony Stark (i.e. Iron Man, Downey Jr) supports the Accord, while the other group, headed by Steve Rogers (i.e. Captain America, Evans) believe they themselves are the best judges of their own actions, & refuse to sign. At a meeting in Vienna, the accord is set to be ratified, but the building is bombed, & King T’Chaka of Wakanda is killed. When security footage reveals the culprit appear to be James “Bucky” Barnes - the mysterious Winter Soldier from a few films back - his son T’Challa, swears revenge. Rogers, knowing Bucky from his war days as an old friend, attempts to track him down himself.
Meanwhile, the villain of the film, Helmut Zemo, acquires the ancient book that has the words to brainwash the Winter Solder, & set Bucky off. He uses this to his advantage, & while Rogers reunites with the Winter Soldier & learns of Zemo’s plot, he doesn’t wait for the needed permission to apprehend him, so he goes rogue with several other of the Avengers. Meanwhile Zemo continues to manipulate information he has learned to turn the group upon itself. The result is a giant fight between the two factions. Will this be the end of the Avengers as we know them? Will Zemo succeed in his plan? And which side is right in its beliefs? All will be revealed…..
Civil War stands up very well as yet another quality film from Marvel. As well as our known superheroes, Civil War does an excellent job in introducing a new character in Black Panther, as well as bringing in a few other established names in cameo roles, namely Spider Man & Ant Man. It really succeeds in the plot itself, a notable difference to the boring, dragging plot from Batman v Superman a few months earlier. Again, the shades of grey, & exactly who is right & wrong with what they believe is at the heart of the film. For once, the villain isn’t the primary issue –not trying to take over the world, etc. But by trying to turn the Avengers against each other provides a very interesting storyline to follow. It also shows how important a strong script is, because that’s the notable difference here. The special effects are great as always, the actors are all excellent in their roles, it just feels like a more intense & therefore superior film based upon the engaging storyline, & resulting dialogue between the main characters.
The inventible showdown between the two groups is probably the highlight, though it is a bit over the top if you stop & think about it for too long. But it was pretty cool seeing your favourite superheroes tangle it up! Even the banter & dialogue was really good, & it was especially an excellent introduction for Tom Holland as the new Spider Man.

Overall, as you can tell, I really enjoyed this film. Probably a touch superior to Age Of Ultron, but it also does set the bar fairly high. Will viewers still be content with just the solo Super Hero film going forward is a worthy question. At nearly 2 ½ hours, it’s a long film, but very engrossing. The Russo bothers have done another very good job directing here, & with a plateful of both individual films coming up for likes of Spider Man & Black Widow, plus a 2 part Avengers film already lined up for the coming few years, the Marvel universe looks set to dominate the Hollywood Blockbuster/Super Hero franchise cinema world for the near future. I’m giving Captain America: Civil War **** 

Tuesday 19 April 2016

My Top 5 Holidays

*EDIT***  Since starting this post, then leaving it in drafts for nearly a year (oops), I've since done another overseas trip, to Bali at the beginning of this year. Again, a solo trip, something which I've gotten used to, seeing as pretty much all my friends are married/engaged/in a long term relationship/have kids etc.. Nonetheless I very much enjoyed it, a really great experience, such great value for money & some beautiful countryside if you make it out of the tourist hotspots.and those beaches... great, & stunning sunsets. If only I'd had a little more luck with the weather! It would actually go very close to nudging No. 5 out of its spot, but I'll just keep it as an addition to the post for now. *****

So continuing on from last time,I have been thinking of my best holidays or trips I've ever done. So this is a good way to note them & elaborate a touch on those experiences.

The top 3 really jump straight out at me, not much consideration required. Number 4 took me a few minutes before slotting in comfortably. But number 5 could really have been any number of good holidays/trips I've had. So to rattle off a few honourable mentions that could easily have snuck into 5th spot:

*Family Trip to Northern Territory in 1993. Plenty of memories of this one, especially when we broke down halfway between Alice Springs & Kings Canyon I'm betting there's still no mobile coverage there today - mobiles were barely on the scene in 1993! But that aside, was a fun trip

* Fiji - Almost exactly 2 years ago already. My only o/s holiday not to be top 5, but was still a memorable & relaxing holiday, & some of the most friendly people you'll ever meet! And what would the odds be of running into fellow Geelongians over there? Bula!!  :)

* 2010 Tassie Trip - Took my old car on the Spirit Of Tasmania across to the Apple Isle for a different style holiday to my usual sit & relax by the beach. Would have loved to spend more time exploring over there, was a lovely week seeing some natural beauty. The ability to take your own car made it a lot easier! 

Any of those could realistically been No. 5, but as it stands on Feb 12th 2015, here are my top 5 holidays/trips:

5) Year 10 Trip to Central Australia - Ok, I know you can argue whether a high school excursion is technically a holiday or not, but hey this is my list & my blog! It certainly falls under "trip" anyway, & its not like we had to write an essay about it when we got back! When we came to write our profiles towards the end of our final year at high school, most people had this as their most memorable high school experience. That it was! So many great experiences! We visited many little towns on our coach up to Alice Springs & Ayres Rock (as it was still known then). Yes I made it to the top - think just about everyone did, despite the warnings from the locals. Plenty of laughs, games of cards round the fire, trying to impress the girls in the other tents.. Ahh the stories.  

4) 1998 Gold Coast Trip - Nothing quite like a week-long trip with a mate to the Gold Coast when you're in you're early 20's eh? Boy was this one big week! Geez this was a huge week - we literally went through a slab of Carlton Cold a day! Rented a bomb of a car to drive out & do the theme parks, then basically hit the town in the evenings! So. Much. alcohol was drunk over this week, t the point on ou last day when we had a few hours to kill before heading back to the airport, we just couldn't stomach any more booze. We settled for going to see small Soldiers at the movies instead. A trip we always planned to do again, but never did et round to it alas. 

3) Las Vegas/LA/San Francisco Trip , 2011 - I have a couple of friends who have never been ones to do things the normal & easy way, & this continued when they finally decided to tie the knot in 2011. They wanted a honeymoon in the USA & friends in the States they wanted to be part of thier special day, so why not get married in Vegas? Luckily this fwell at a good time for me when I was looking to plan my next o/s trip, so I didn't need to be asked to be part of the wedding twice! A great rip all round - the Hucks night, trip to the Grand Canyon that we never quite made, Disney World, the experience of Alcatraz at dusk.... amazing experiences! It also marked my first ever Major League Baseball game, & I'm now a passionate Giants fan! All in all, a wonderful & special holiday!

2) New Years Cruise, 2013/14 - My brothers gf had been raving for months about a great cruise she & her best friend had done. to the point where I looked at doing one for a different holiday experience myself.  And what better way to see in the New Year? Most of my friends by this time were all moving beyond the going out & celebrating NYE, & I didn't want another boring night at home with just a few beers & a BBQ. So even though it was just me, I booked a 13 day cruise on the Pacific Pearl, taking in New Caledonia/Vanuatu. Literally one of the best experiences of my life. Loved every minute of it. Bars, buffets, trivia nights, pub crawl through Vanautu, making new friends (someone I'm not good at), dancing the nights away, & of course the New Years celebrations. This went within a whisker of being my best holiday ever, as it stands i'ts comfortably No. 2. 

1) Barbados Cricket Tour, 2008 - They do say your first overseas holiday is often your most memorable! Boy was it ever, in fact, despite how awesome my cruise was a couple of years ago, its still my favourite holiday ever. Was more than a bit nervous, as again it was just me, but at last I was part of a tour group here, so once I finally got to Barbados in the West Indies, I'd be amongst fellow Aussies & cricket fans. From start to finish (not counting my side trip to Vegas) they was just awesome. Again, made a great new group of friends, clearly helped by our love of cricket. Instantly fell in love with the relaxed lifestyle of the Caribbean. Great cricket experience in the Party Stand - hard to complain when you get free food & free booze all day! :) Plus some great tours around the island, great nights out. I earned myself the nickname "disco" on the holiday - I only have faint memories of this night, but it was a pub that became an outdoor sort of nightclub later on. Thanks to our tour group's plans, it was 2 for 1 drinks all night. Plus it was a retro night - my type of music. Apparently I let loose & showed up the rest of the group by out-dancing everyone!We had an awesome tour host (seriously that guy has the best job in the world) & we got to meet west Indies cricket legends Joel Garner & Desmond Haynes. Pretty darn cool to be sinking rum & cokes & talking the state of the game at a cricket legend's personal rum shack - one of the most surreal moments of my life! Just the most awesome experience of my life, & still to date the best holiday I've ever done!!