Tuesday 19 July 2016

Movie Review - Captain America: Civil War

USA, 147 Mins

Dir: Anthony & Joe Russo

I’ve mean meaning to get around to writing up the latest instalment in the Marvel universe for a while, but have wanted to mix it up a bit with a few other different styles of film, so the latest Captain America flick has had to wait its turn! But while it’s still relatively fresh in the mind, let’s take a look at the latest Hollywood superhero blockbuster!
So this film follows on from the last Avengers film – Age Of Ultron, & at this point, we are starting to reach the stage where it certainly is fairly useful to say the least if you’ve seen at least a few of the Marvel films leading up to this point so as you can follow the storyline, as this is technically the 13th film in the Marvel Universe! Again, the writers & directors do a fairly solid job of clueing even the causal viewer in, but it’s certainly useful if you’re up to speed in where things stand.
Though it’s titled as a Captain America film, pretty much all of the Avengers cast are on hand here, in particular Iron Man, as the story centres around these two characters. Of course, all the big name, A-Listers are also back reprising their roles – Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olson & Sebastian Stan just to name some! 
We pick things up around a year after Age Of Ultron – once again several of the Avengers are called into action to thwart an attack in Lagos with a biological weapon. While largely successful, several buildings are destroyed & civilian casualties are sustained. This adds fuel to the fire in the political world of the United Nations (UN) to do something about controlling the actions of the group, or at least have an authority to answer to rather than go out & carry out their own actions. A panel is established & an accord known as the Sovakia Accords is prepared, which will oversee the Avengers team. This causes much division in the group – one group, headed by Tony Stark (i.e. Iron Man, Downey Jr) supports the Accord, while the other group, headed by Steve Rogers (i.e. Captain America, Evans) believe they themselves are the best judges of their own actions, & refuse to sign. At a meeting in Vienna, the accord is set to be ratified, but the building is bombed, & King T’Chaka of Wakanda is killed. When security footage reveals the culprit appear to be James “Bucky” Barnes - the mysterious Winter Soldier from a few films back - his son T’Challa, swears revenge. Rogers, knowing Bucky from his war days as an old friend, attempts to track him down himself.
Meanwhile, the villain of the film, Helmut Zemo, acquires the ancient book that has the words to brainwash the Winter Solder, & set Bucky off. He uses this to his advantage, & while Rogers reunites with the Winter Soldier & learns of Zemo’s plot, he doesn’t wait for the needed permission to apprehend him, so he goes rogue with several other of the Avengers. Meanwhile Zemo continues to manipulate information he has learned to turn the group upon itself. The result is a giant fight between the two factions. Will this be the end of the Avengers as we know them? Will Zemo succeed in his plan? And which side is right in its beliefs? All will be revealed…..
Civil War stands up very well as yet another quality film from Marvel. As well as our known superheroes, Civil War does an excellent job in introducing a new character in Black Panther, as well as bringing in a few other established names in cameo roles, namely Spider Man & Ant Man. It really succeeds in the plot itself, a notable difference to the boring, dragging plot from Batman v Superman a few months earlier. Again, the shades of grey, & exactly who is right & wrong with what they believe is at the heart of the film. For once, the villain isn’t the primary issue –not trying to take over the world, etc. But by trying to turn the Avengers against each other provides a very interesting storyline to follow. It also shows how important a strong script is, because that’s the notable difference here. The special effects are great as always, the actors are all excellent in their roles, it just feels like a more intense & therefore superior film based upon the engaging storyline, & resulting dialogue between the main characters.
The inventible showdown between the two groups is probably the highlight, though it is a bit over the top if you stop & think about it for too long. But it was pretty cool seeing your favourite superheroes tangle it up! Even the banter & dialogue was really good, & it was especially an excellent introduction for Tom Holland as the new Spider Man.

Overall, as you can tell, I really enjoyed this film. Probably a touch superior to Age Of Ultron, but it also does set the bar fairly high. Will viewers still be content with just the solo Super Hero film going forward is a worthy question. At nearly 2 ½ hours, it’s a long film, but very engrossing. The Russo bothers have done another very good job directing here, & with a plateful of both individual films coming up for likes of Spider Man & Black Widow, plus a 2 part Avengers film already lined up for the coming few years, the Marvel universe looks set to dominate the Hollywood Blockbuster/Super Hero franchise cinema world for the near future. I’m giving Captain America: Civil War ****