Wednesday 21 November 2012

Intro & 1st Post!

Allright, here we go! Dunno how this will turn out, & how often I'll write, but time (& you guys) will tell! I've been told I can write allright at times - looking back at some of the stuff I posted on myspace (god that seems so much longer than just 5 years ago since myspace was really something) some of it seemed to flow OK, so lets see how this goes:

A little about me in case you stumble across this randomly, & aren't a twitter pal or facebook friend. My name is Matt, I'm a 30-something Aussie single guy from good old Geelong, 2nd biggest city in the state of Victoria. I'm a big sports nut, especially a fan of the best game in the world, FOOTY (Aussie Rules). Born & bred Cats (Geelong) fan, & if i make it that far on here to the start of next season, expect plenty of footy posts! :) I'm also an 80's music junkie (got awesome radio 80's playing in the background while I write this) & a keen book reader. Fav TV shows are Red Dwarf, The Amazing Race... and past that, I genuinely struggle (outside of sport shows of course). I hate most reality/lifestyle & crime shows. Thank god for DVD's!  Though I live in Lara, an outer suburb of Geelong, I've worked in Melbourne for many, many years, & often spend just as much time up in the big smoke as I do in G-town! While I'm largely happily single (hoping someone will come along one day), & enjoy the freedom on the weekends of not having kids, I am a very proud uncle. My niece is 9 (going on 14) & my nephew is 6. Amazing how quickly they grow up!!

Anyway, enough background for now. Onto this proper: I don't have any real direction for this to go - just as my title says, my musings on whatever is in my mind at the time. Hopefully plenty of news/current affairs & whats going on in my life as well as sport will make it on here!


OK, ok lets put this on the table early: I'm a big pro-wrestling fan... or was at least. (It's not that watchable right now). Yes, I know how it works, & yes it is a silly thing to watch in a lot of people's eyes. But I've been following ever since the Hulk Hogan/Rock 'n Wrestling era when it was a big deal even here in Australia in the mid 80's, & its always held me somehow. My brother & a childhood friend of his were initally big fans, & drew me in somehow. As it turned out, they grew out of it, & I stuck with it, to sum it up in a nutshell. There's been times where I've nearly given it away altogether, & times where I must watch it every week. We're much more in the former category right now.
So 2012 has been a pretty darn ordinary year for WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment, the clear No. 1 wrestling company in the USA/world). I really have barely watched it at all since early September, when footy finals meant the start of a very busy month or 2, & haven't been inspired to tune back in. Finally caught most of Raw tonight. Have to say theres really little there to inspire me apart from CM Punk right now. Like the big deal they are making of his title reign right now. 1 full calendar year without a WWE title change is as rare as hens teeth in the modern age!
  At least they are putting some effort back into the Tag Team Division, but the mid-lower card is just covered with guys going no-where. Its just hard to see where the next star is going to come from.  On the bright side, we have an Aussie girl going well in the WWE! She is currently working for NXT, which is the WWE's developmental division (like the VFL here in footy terms I guess). but at the rate of firings in the "divas" division on the main roster, its not unlikely we'll see her on national TV soon! Good luck, Tenille Tayla! They've given her the ring name of "Emma" to work under at WWE, not that inspiring, but anyway.
I haven't bought a PPV (Pay-per-view) for yonks, but with the great one (The Rock) returning in January for the Royal Rumble, if they book Punk-Rock for the WWE title, I'm sold! Being on the Australia Day long weekend in 2013, I'll be able to catch it live, very helpful - especially in the modern world where you can easily find out results accidentally through twitter/facebook, etc.

                                                     CLICK FRENZY

So anyway, onto something topical before I drive away any potential readers before I even get going! So all the talk has been about this new online shopping spectacular, click frenzy, offering for 24 hours 7pm Tuesday Nov 20th to Wednesday Nov 21st online big bargains from major retailers. (Fun Fact: company I work for was one them). I admit I was certainly planning to check it out - while not a huge online shopper, I'm slowly beginning to see what its so big, & why so many of my twitter friends are always carrying on about these online sites. And really the only reason I don't shop online more often is I'm not the most organised guy - I tend to leave things like gifts to the last minute - which doesn't allow time for shipping. Plus I'm not a big fan of brands - always price over a fancy name for me. I'll duck into K-Mart & buy a $30 pair of Jeans no problem over some fancy brand, even if they are 50% off, they're still way too much!
But by coincidence last night, on the same night as the launch of Click Frenzy, I had my first trivia night in ages when along with my brother & friends, we tried out the new trivia night at the Mail Exchange Hotel in the Melb CBD - QuizzaMe trivia. I could easily do a whole post on my history of trivia nights & incorporating last night - in fact that may make a good 2nd blog post - remind me will you? :)
So I was just flicking through twitter during the breaks between rounds & laughing at all the posts about how click frenzy was more like a click fail. Maybe it was a good thing we had this trivia thing on instead? But then it always struck me the online sale was for a whole 24 hours. What was the huge rush to jump on at 7pm when it launched anyway?
So i got home round 10.30pm last night, & it was nearly 11 by the time I logged onto my Mac to check a few things, & to see if maybe Click Frenzy had got its act together. Nope, server busy. So i checked my emails/facebook etc, & then thought I'd try C.F one more time. Whoa! Straight in, no problems!! We're up & running! i proceeded to find quite a lot of good value bargains, & though it was well & truly the wrong side of midnight by the time I climbed into bed, by then I'd knocked over probably 60% of my Xmas shopping in one (online) hit! So, for me at least, Click Frenzy was (eventually) a big success! Considering how I'm usually very dis-organised, to know I've only got a couple of more presents to buy for & I'm done, is very satisfying. Didn't break the bank, either! Sure, there were a few dodgy deals, where you really weren't saving much at all, & sites that sneakily stated in small print down the bottom you had to spend $100 to get the big allure of free shipping, but all-in-all, I'm very satisfied. Sure, I'm dead tired now, as was up at 7am & off to work as normal, so will likely hit the hay soon as I finish this, but its worth it when i think of the ques at the shopping centres, & at the carparks
that I'll avoid in the coming weeks. Don't get me wrong, I love Xmas, but it can drive you round the twist if you're not organised!! And yes, I may have spent a bit on a few cheap DVD's for myself. So sue me!! :)

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