Thursday 6 March 2014

Movie Review - The Wolf Of Wall Street

USA, 179 Mins
Dir: Martin Scorsese

I know I promised to review my all-time favourite movie this week which was becoming a musical, so don’t panic, they’re certainly not turning The Wolf Of Wall Street into a musical! Just I had the opportunity to catch this film at the cinemas last week, & thought to review it while it’s still relatively fresh in the mind! You’ll just have to hold on for an extra week for my review of my favourite film! J
The Wolf Of Wall Street is based on the true story & memoir of Jordan Belfort – a New York stockbroker that rose to huge fame & wealth, only to fall foul of the law in his controversial career ways, & wind up losing almost everything. Leonardo DiCaprio plays the star role of Belfort, producing an arguably career-best performance here (& mind what I said of his effort in Titanic a few weeks ago) in his 5th collaboration with famed director Martin Scorsese. The film also boasts the likes of Matthew McConaughey, Jonah Hill & Australia’s own Margot Robbie, and a big step up from appearing in Neighbours to this role as Belfort’s wife Naomi.
The film tracks Belfort’s start in his career as a stockbroker, only for the Black Monday Wall St crash of 1987 to hit, causing him to lose his job. He uses his aggressive sales techniques in penny stocks to establish a business along with friend Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill), & the firm soon goes from strength to strength. We witness life at the top of the tree as a lifestyle of sex, drugs & rock n roll is enjoyed by Belfort & his companions. But his questionable techniques soon draw the attention of the law, & this forces Jordan to go to more extreme measures to wide his wealth & dubious ways by opening a Swiss bank account. When one of his operatives is arrested, Jordan has the chance to confess to some smaller level crimes & essentially hold on to his millions, & model wife. However, he elects to continue pouring his efforts into making money, & soon the consequences of his actions catch up with him & he is forced to co-operate with the law in order to avoid a more severe jail term, thus resulting in the end of his company.
This is a very engrossing film, well worth of its Oscar nominations – I hardly registered that it went for 3 hours. As someone not overly familiar with the story of Jordan Belfort, I was really interested in how someone could have so much yet still want more. Like I said before, DiCaprio gives an amazing performance as Belfort – in my opinion, you may as well hand over the Oscar to him now, ain’t nothing topping this performance here! Margot Robbie also gives a fantastic performance – look out for her to become a big Hollywood name in the next year or two!
All that being said, this film certainly is not for everyone! It well & truly earns its “R” rating here – in fact I believe it set a new record for the number of “F” words in a feature film! There is no holding back in revealing to the audience the rich & famous lifestyle that Jordan Belford becomes accustomed to. So if you are easily offended by sex, drugs or coarse language, you will probably want to give this film a miss.  

For the more mature minded film goer however, The Wolf Of Wall Street is an engrossing, captivating & very open look at the life of Jordan Belfort. Nominated for 5 Academy Awards in total including Best Picture, & still screening at most decent cinemas, the film is well worth a look. I’m actually very intrigued to go out & read the book which the film is also based on too.  I’m giving The Wolf Of Wall Street  ****

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