Wednesday 11 February 2015

Update - 25 Random Things About Me Pt 1

I'm damn hopeless at these blog posts, lol. anyway, I'm gonna try & get back into it. Wanted to go back & re-post one of those facebook in-things this all the cool kids were doing a number of years ago - in this instance where you had to note 25 random things about yourself, the tag a heap of your friends. Me being me, it turned into a bit of an essay! So 6 years on, lets re-visit this, & add in any additional/relevant notes thats happened:

  1) I have always been a quiet, non-talkative person. I guess some people interpret that as rudeness or ignorance, but it is honestly just who i am, & have always been. Having a distinctly quiet voice at the best of times does not help things. It certainly doesn't mean I have no interest in whats being discussed

 Not much to add here, its still something that makes it hard to connect with new people.

2) It is just beyond me that we are in the year 2009, yet we still are so far off world peace as a human race. We've had so many years to sort out what really are petty issues, yet we still bomb other countries & fight over really minor issues in the scheme of things. We were given 10 basic rules to follow as a human race, yet we break them all on a daily basis

Just sub in 2015 for 2009, & it's still right on the mark. If anything, I think we've gone backwards in the last 6 years, what with ISIL becoming such an issue in the last 12-18 months. Just beyond my capacity as a human to understand - we've come leaps & bounds in areas like equal opportunity & racial tolerance etc. but wars lingers on

3) I think true love/a soulmate/ that special someone is truly a special gift which a lot of people mis-interpret for whatever reason. The real thing I believe is one of life's true gifts & should be treasured & valued so very highly. I just hope one day I get to experience it

Rather, rinse, repeat. No update to give you here 

4) I'm proud to say I have never, ever smoked a cigarette. Never. Not even a puff behind the school shed in high school. I was lucky i guess that none of my friends in high school really got into that habit. Smoking is one of the few things that really irks me - one day I hope to convince someone to quit

All good here, never have, never will smoke! 

5) My taste in music is, I freely admit, pretty cheesy. I loooove my 80's music, including a whole heap of forgotten & one hit wonder songs. That being said, I generally enjoy a bit of music of any sort at some point, i.e I love listening to classical music when i am stressed, yet there are times when its good to throw some Metallica on & do some headbanging!

Yep, I can't stand today music - give me my 80's, lol 

6) My best mate's name is Keenan - he has been my best mate ever since we were 5 years old when i first moved to Geelong. We have been through just about everything together - whether we lived just around the corner from each other, or at opposite ends of the state, he has been there for me for nearly 30 years, & is like a brother to me. I was very proud to be groomsman when he married Melissa in October 2002.

Very proud thats we are still best mates. Life dictates that we don't catch up as often as we used to - marriage & 3 lovely kids obviously take priority - but I still take a lot of pride in such a long & prosperous friendship. 

7). My favourite actor is Bill Murray - love his sarcastic, dry sense of humour. Can't think of a bad movie he has been in. Fav. actress is harder - Ashley Judd, Sandy Bullock, Natalie Portman & Kate Winslet are all up there

Still true, just saw Murray's latest film St Vincent last week, he still has it!

8)  My friends & family will ALWAYS be more important to me than work & related income. To me work is just something that has to be done to pay the bills & allow you to live your life - a necessary evil if you like. I've never been driven by career

Still the case. When you saw how career has (still does) dominate your father, it just makes me realise that its not me. Life is to be enjoyed!

9) My favorite childhood memory (not involving footy for once!), would be Sundays when i was around 10-11.  Back in those days, everything bar your local milk bar, bakery & the occasional petrol station was shut on Sunday, so it was family day. We would have a sleep in, then Dad would take my brother & I (& occasionly my sisters when they reached an older age) on our traditional Sunday morning bike ride, quite often up to Lovely Banks & back.  And we got home, Mum would have the old fashioned Sunday roast cooking, along with a big apple pie.  We would all pitch inj & sit down and have lunch together, then settlle back & watch the Shirley Temple midday movie.  I really miss those innocent days sometimes

As we live in such a 24/7 society these days, just makes you remember those days more fondly

10. I would say Halide is probably my most valued female friend. I've known her for over 11 years now - she worked at Dimmeys H/O as PA to our then GM, John Maguire when it was still located in Richmond. Was always asking for a hand to re-arrange her office, or help take the mail down to the post office, lol. But despite the fact she left for Telstra around 9 years ago now, & is a busy, busy person with a demanding workload, she always makes time to catch up with me for a coffee, a bite to eat & a chat once every 4-6 weeks, no matter what. Thanks Halz, it means the world to me!

Still a very valued friend, though she moved back to Turkey a few years ago. Still comes back to Melbourne to visit, & we still catch up then - in fact we're due to catch up next week!

11)  I've worn glasses since the start of 1987 (also when i started high school) Ironically, my folks discovered i was having trouble seeing long distances....when i couldn't read the scoreboard at the MCG! Initally I was only required to wear them to see longer distances, & but gradually wore them more & more - it can become a real hassle constantly taking them on & off - to the point where I wear them pretty much all the same expect when i'm reading or sleeping. I went through the phrase of name calling when i first started wearing them (i.e 4 eyes, professor), but that dropped off & I adapted pretty quickly

Don't need to add anything here

To be continued in Part 2!! 

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